Course FAQs
What happens once I book in for a course at the TEACH?
We will be in touch closer to the time with information on what you need to bring and what you will be taking home.
Where can I stay overnight?
Please send us an email on and we’ll send you our list of recommended accommodations.
What happens once I order an online course?
You will receive an email with a link to “my courses”. Click this button and now you will have full-time access to your new course. Each time you want to attend a class you will simply need to log-in or set your account to automatically log-in. If you have two email addresses attached to your account this may confuse the courses app and you will need to reach out to us on to merge these accounts together.
Are your courses suitable for coeliacs?
At this time unfortunately not. We give our students substitutes for gluten containing grasses as much as possible but in general our courses focus on making all food digestible and high in fibre over being gluten free. Naturally, many of our recipes are gluten free as we love using nuts, seeds and pseudo grains at The Happy Tummy Co.
Are your courses suitable for people with allergies to foods?
We do give substitutes for milk and other allergens where possible.