On a trip to London for my mate Paudie’s 40th birthday I had with me the usual couple of porridge sourdoughs but I needed to bring something for my mate Lou too who’s a coeliac and Paudie’s beautiful wife. It was one of those six person affairs and we were to have a wonderful day and night together before I made my way back to East Sussex and eventually to the boat for Ireland.
Lou works long hours and her job can be incredibly stressful so I wanted to make her something that would help boost immunity, something she could top with anything and still get the fibre she needed at breakfast time.
Functional eating has never been more important in my opinion and so I think that these incredibly easy to make scones could become a part of any household big or small, one person to everyone and their Nan!
Lou’s Scones
- 220g Brown Lovegrass Teff Flour
- 100g Ground Almonds
- 100g Chia Seeds
- 60g Ground Flaxseed
- 50g Oats
- 40g Linwoods CoQ10 Mix
- 80g Olive Oil
- 18g Maple Syrup
- 255g Water
Mix altogether and soak for 24 hours in the bowl covered with a damp tea towel.
The next day add the following -
- 1tsp bicarb
- 1tsp sea salt
- 2tsp apple cider vinegar
- 2/3 organic whisked eggs
Stir well and then flatten the mixture out on some teff flour before shaping into scones.
Bake at 180 fan for 25-30 minutes.
P.S. If you don’t want to use oats you can replace these with a mix of buckwheat groats and quinoa flakes.
We ate them with Fenn Dairy salted butter and smoked salmon from the Secret Smokehouse in Hackney and washed them down with champagne! But they are equally wonderful with some simple butter and jam and a hot cuppa for breakfast!